June 13, 2024


Contact: Press@FintechCouncil.org

Travillian Partners With American Fintech Council (AFC) To Curate Available Roles and Promote Qualified Candidates

Travillian Partners With American Fintech Council (AFC) To Curate Available Roles and Promote Qualified Candidates

The Travillian / AFC partnership will include a dedicated job board hosted by AFC, thought leadership, educational and training opportunities to help support membership and the fintech ecosystem.

Washington, D.C. (June 13, 2024) – The American Fintech Council (AFC), the premier industry association representing responsible fintech companies and innovative BaaS banks, has partnered with The Travillian Group. The two organizations will collaborate to create a fintech/BaaS bank-focused job board for members to promote their latest openings and help match qualified candidates.

“Travillian is the choice firm for many of our members and has placed critical talent in all areas at numerous BaaS banks and fintech companies, making them the perfect partner to help AFC promote the latest roles and match the most qualified candidates,” said Phil Goldfeder, Chief Executive Officer of the American Fintech Council. “Travillian will also utilize their platform to offer market analysis, data insights and the latest news from leading industry professionals. Keith Daly, Brian Love, and the entire team at Travillian have supported AFC since inception, and we look forward to further supporting our members through this partnership.”

Known for its deep expertise and years of successfully placing the most qualified candidates for crucial roles at community banks, BaaS Banks and fintechs, Travillian will sponsor a job board for the AFC and collaborate with members to provide important insights and thought leadership.

Travillian, based in King of Prussia, PA, is a nationally focused, boutique search and talent advisory firm dedicated to exclusively serving the financial services and fintech industries. The firm has helped corporations, service providers, and investors within these sectors improve their businesses since its establishment in 1998. Travillian always focuses on building trust-based relationships and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

“Travillian and the American Fintech Council share the same mission — to strategically partner long-term with entrepreneurial BaaS banks and fintechs who provide essential financial services to their customer base,” said Keith Daly, Principal, Banking and Fintech Search at Travillian. “AFC represents the largest and most diverse cross-section of innovative financial services and fintech companies, and we are excited to formalize our partnership and get to work.”

In addition, Travillian hosts a content channel, launched in 2020, known as Travillian NEXT. It hosts compelling, behind-the-scenes insights for the banking and fintech industries. AFC CEO Phil Goldfeder has appeared twice on the platform, sharing the latest updates and trends in banking and fintech.

Travillian also issues daily industry updates on its social media and targeted distribution channels.

For additional information about the company’s content and industry insights, visit Travillian at www.travilliannext.com. Job Board and other resources will be coming soon at www.fintechcouncil.org