August 20, 2024



TransPecos Banks Joins American Fintech Council (AFC)

West Texas’ TransPecos Banks is dedicated to integrity, innovation, and people-first mindset

San Antonio, TX (August 20, 2024) – The American Fintech Council (AFC), the premier industry association representing responsible fintech companies and innovative banks, today announced the addition of TransPecos Banks as its newest member. Concentrated in the TransPecos region of West Texas and San Antonio, TransPecos Banks offers a full range of banking products as well as fintech services. With its focus on honesty, integrity, and serving consumer needs, TransPecos is a natural partner in AFC’s work to create a more consumer-centric financial system.

“TransPecos Banks has a long history supporting West Texas residents with responsible banking solutions and remains on the cutting edge of adopting new technologies to improve what they offer their community,” said Phil Goldfeder, Chief Executive Officer of AFC. “The values that drive TransPecos Banks are the values that drive AFC: honesty, integrity, and a consumer-centric focus. We look forward to elevating TransPecos Banks’ perspective along with our members as we work together to improve the financial system for American consumers.”

“Joining the American Fintech Council is an exciting step for TransPecos Banks as we continue to embrace technology to better serve our community,” said Michael Kozub, CEO of TransPecos Banks. “Joining AFC reinforces our commitment to the communities we serve, ensuring we remain at the forefront of financial innovation and continue to offer our customers the innovative products and services they require.”

As a standards-based organization, AFC is the premier trade association representing the largest financial technology (Fintech) companies and innovative BaaS banks. AFC’s mission is to promote a transparent, inclusive, and customer-centric financial system by supporting responsible innovation in financial services and encouraging sound public policy. AFC members foster competition in consumer finance and pioneer products to better serve underserved consumer segments and geographies.

About TransPecos Banks

TransPecos Banks is a member of TransPecos Financial Corp., a Texas banking organization with locations throughout the TransPecos Region of West Texas and San Antonio. We are committed to providing the highest level of customer care and leadership in the communities we serve. Our employees help set us apart by providing friendly, high quality assistance. TransPecos Banks and its employees are proud of the communities in which we live and serve.