June 13, 2024


Contact: Press@FintechCouncil.org

Statement from American Fintech Council (AFC) on the Nomination of Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero as the Next Chair of the FDIC

“We applaud the nomination of Christy Goldsmith Romero by the White House to be the next Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and urge an expeditious and bipartisan confirmation.

We have had the privilege to work with Commissioner Goldsmith Romero and she has proven her deep commitment to public service, a willingness to engage with industry leaders, and a shared interest in financial inclusion through responsible innovation. In her current role as a Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and in her previous capacity as Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Commissioner Goldsmith Romero has effectively represented consumer interests while actively engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, including industry and regulated entities.

Pragmatic regulators’ continued engagement with responsible innovators can create a future of finance that serves consumers without compromising on their safety and protection. Whether appearing at our Policy Summit or engaging with our team, Commissioner Goldsmith Romero has shown a willingness to foster collaboration and improve outcomes for both consumers and industry participants, which aligns with AFC’s mission to promote affordable, responsible, and transparent financial products. We are confident that Commissioner Goldsmith Romero will fulfill the FDIC’s mission of maintaining public confidence and stability in the banking system while also reinvesting in technology and fostering innovation.

AFC and its members look forward to working with Christy Goldsmith Romero in her new capacity, upon her confirmation.”