July 9, 2024


Contact: Press@FintechCouncil.org

DataSeers Joins the American Fintech Council to Promote Fraud Detection and Compliance Innovation

Founded in 2017, DataSeers offers a suite of solutions utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enable banks and fintech companies to improve reconciliation, compliance, fraud detection, and so much more

Washington, D.C. (July 9, 2024) – The American Fintech Council (AFC), the premier industry association representing responsible fintech companies and innovative banks today announced the addition of DataSeers as its newest member. As a leading provider of regulatory technology to fintech companies, banks and credit unions, DataSeers will add an important voice to the largest and fastest growing group of diverse industry-leading companies promoting responsible innovation and regulatory standards.

“We are excited to welcome DataSeers to AFC and look forward to collaborating with them as they utilize artificial intelligence to enable financial service companies to safely, seamlessly and efficiently manage their compliance,” said Phil Goldfeder, Chief Executive Officer of AFC. “As a standards-based association, we welcome companies like DataSeers who are innovating compliance and regulation software infrastructure to meet the challenges and demands of banks and fintech companies serving consumers.”

DataSeers, a B2B Software as a Service (SaaS) company, was founded in 2017 and based in Atlanta. They have created a unique solution for effectively harnessing complex data. Its software is AI-powered and specifically designed to help banks and payments companies improve their onboarding, reconciliation, compliance, fraud detection, and analytics in one user-friendly platform. Since the creation of DataSeers, the company has seen meteoric growth and has changed office spaces five times to accommodate its steady client and staff growth.

“We are excited to join AFC. This membership provides us with an opportunity to educate its members on the role of data and AI for compliance and fraud monitoring,” said Adwait Joshi, Founder and CEO of DataSeers, a globally renowned, RegTech company that plays a significant role in the BaaS space. “Although the current BaaS space presents challenges for the industry's future, we firmly believe that with the right combination of mindset and tools, this can become a very lucrative industry with minimal regulatory risk.”

A standards-based organization, AFC is the premier trade association representing the largest financial technology(Fintech) companies and innovative BaaS banks. Our mission is to promote a transparent, inclusive, and customer-centric financial system by supporting responsible innovation in financial services and encouraging sound public policy. AFC members foster competition in consumer finance and pioneer products to better serve underserved consumer segments and geographies.
